BookStack Blog

BookStack Release v24.10

This laggard of a release finally lingers to deployment this day in October bringing the first alpha-state inclusion of the new WYSIWYG editor, which has been the main development focus, but that doesn’t stop a few other goodies being included for this release too! »

BookStack Project Update for September 2024

Since we’ve gone a few months without an update I thought it’d be good to provide a post regarding project progress & other activities, so here’s what’s been going on over the last few months: »

BookStack Security Release v24.05.4

BookStack v24.05.4 has been released. This is a security release to address issues found in LDAP group syncing, where in certain scenarios a user could be matched to extra roles incorrectly, and an issue with content visibility in “book-show” API responses which would not have permissions applied properly. »

Nine Years of BookStack

Today the BookStack project becomes 9 years old! Like last year’s post, and the years before it, we’ll take this as an opportunity to provide an update on the status of the project including the financials, current development status, and the growth figures. »

BookStack Security Release v24.05.1

BookStack v24.05.1 has been released. This is a security release that adds extra rate-limiting to some forms that are accessible without authentication, while also implementing changes to prevent methods that could be used to indicate if specific user emails exist in the system. »

BookStack Release v24.05

Today we release a new BookStack feature update that’s mainly focused on updating the core underlying framework and some accompanying code, but that work comes with a sprinkling of extra additions and tweaks too. »

BookStack Release v24.02

For our first feature release of 2024 we have a variety enhancements to enjoy! Many of these build upon the work from the previous release, while many others address some common pain-points in BookStack. »

BookStack Security Release v23.12.3

BookStack v23.12.3 has been released. This is a security release that addresses a vulnerability in PDF generation that could be exploited to perform blind server-side-request forgery. »

BookStack in 2023

As we enter into 2024 I thought we’d once again look back over the past year to review the development of the platform throughout 2023 while also diving into topics about the wider project including funding and the impact of AI. »

BookStack Release v23.12

As a little Christmas-time treat we have BookStack v23.12 slipping in as the last release of the year. This release focuses on providing a simple WYSIWYG editor for description inputs, along with adding default page templates within books, in addition to some other additional gifts. »

BookStack Security Release v23.10.3

BookStack v23.10.3 has been released. This is a security release that addresses a vulnerability in image handling which could be exploited to perform server-side requests or read the contents of files on the server system. »

BookStack Release v23.10

This October maintenance release brings with it more than originally planned, with a significant revamp of user self-management in addition to an updated editor design, along with many other additions & improvements. »

BookStack Release v23.08

The August release of BookStack is now here! This is focused upon an initial implementation of a notification system for content, but as usual there are a few other improvements to enjoy. »

Eight Years of BookStack

As we veer towards the middle of July we hit the 8-year mark for the BookStack project. Following the pattern from previous years, we’ll compare the project’s various metrics year-on-year, and provide an update on finances. »

BookStack Release v23.06

Today brings us BookStack v23.06 which aims to improve how comments are displayed & used, while also providing a revamp to the image manager among many other fixes and improvements. »

BookStack Release v23.05

BookStack v23.05 releases today, sneaking into the start of May with a bunch of additions, updates and changes including a new command line tool to help with admin operations. »

BookStack Project Update for March 2023

There’s no new feature release for BookStack this month, due to various distractions and the type of work done in this release cycle, so I thought it’d be good to instead provide a general project update to highlight what has happened in the last month or so. »

BookStack Release v23.02

BookStack v23.02 is here, acting primarily as a maintenance release to upgrade the underlying framework while optimizing things and making a few other additions. »

BookStack Security Release v23.01.1

BookStack v23.01.1 has been released. This is a security release that addresses a potential vulnerability in PDF generation that could be used to make server-side requests or run potential other PHP code. »

BookStack Release v23.01

To start off our releases for the year we have BookStack v23.01 which adds many user experience enhancements & options while also making subtle further back-end changes to permissions. »

BookStack in 2022

Well 2022 is now in the past. During the year BookStack had a few milestones which included reaching the top of Hacker News, becoming 7 years old and hitting 10K stars on GitHub. »

BookStack Release v22.11

Just sneaking into November is BookStack v22.11 which comes with a splendid spread of surprises intended to enhance many existing interfaces and features of BookStack. »

BookStack Release v22.10

This spooky season supplies us with BookStack v22.10, which continues our work to improve permission control while bringing along some extra treats, without any tricks. »

Reaching 10k GitHub Stars & A look at first sharing BookStack

Today, after over 7 years of continuous active development, we’ve now reached 10,000 stars on GitHub! 🥳 🥳 🥳 Previously when hitting star milestones I’ve written about the the project growth relative to this metric but, since I’ve already published such as post this year, I thought we’d do something different via video. »

BookStack Release v22.09

The BookStack September release is here with a variety of desired features that build upon, and enhance, existing BookStack systems. As usual, it also includes language updates and a bunch of tweaks & fixes. »

BookStack Release v22.07

For July we have what could be considered a “stepping-stone” release since it marks the start of some underlying permission system changes but it does bundle in a rich set of system enhancements & minor features. »

Seven Years of BookStack

Another year goes by with BookStack now being 7 years in development from its original commit on the 12th of July 2015. »

BookStack Release v22.06

BookStack v22.06 is now here! This release was primarily refinement focused but it does include some great new features that may streamline your usage of the platform. »

BookStack Release v22.04

Today brings the release of BookStack v22.04! This includes the much-awaited feature of easier page editor switching, in addition to a bunch of other additions and improvements. »

BookStack Release v22.03

Today we release BookStack v22.03 which features some further additions to the WYSIWYG editor, aiming to align its feature-set with our markdown editor. »

Introducing BookStack Support Services

Today I’m happy to announce availability of official BookStack support services! These services are broken down into a couple of different plans, the detail of which can be found on our new support page. »

BookStack Release v22.02

Today we announce the first BookStack feature release of 2022. This brings updates & features to the WYSIWYG editor, user management API endpoints and much more. »

BookStack Security Release v21.12.1

BookStack v21.12.1 has been released. This is a security release that better enforces permissions on book-sort & chapter-move operations to address scenarios where content could be moved to non-permissible locations. »

BookStack in 2021

Thought it would be nice to take some time out to look back over the last year and review how things have progressed. »

BookStack Release v21.12

As our last feature release of the year BookStack v21.12 is now available. Upon a bunch of fixes & improvements, this release features outgoing webhooks in addition to the ability of copying entire chapters and books. »

BookStack Security Release v21.11.3

BookStack v21.11.3 has been released. This is a security release that helps prevent potential discovery and harvesting of user details including name and email address. »

BookStack Security Release v21.11.2

BookStack v21.11.2 has been released. This is a security release that address a couple of vulnerabilities relating to API access and page draft related content visibility: »

BookStack Release v21.11

Today we release BookStack v21.11 which focuses on a couple of areas that have gone untouched for a while; Those areas being tags and the site-wide search system. »

BookStack Security Release v21.10.2

BookStack v21.10.2 has been released. This is a security release that builds upon changes in v21.10.1 which covers a vulnerability which would allow malicious users, who have permission to update or create pages, to upload content that could then be utilized for phishing or other general malicious intent. »

BookStack Security Release v21.10.1

BookStack v21.10.1 has been released. This is a security release that covers a vulnerability which would allow malicious users, who have permission to update or create pages, to upload content that could then be utilized for phishing or other general malicious intent. »

BookStack Release v21.10

October brings us BookStack v21.10. This release is primarily intended to wrap up a few loose ends before we make more substantial framework changes, but it does bring with it a new authentication option in addition to some new API endpoints. »