Donate to BookStack

BookStack is Open Source software and the code & platform is provided totally without cost. The project was started as a passion project in free time, but has grown to require a lot of time to maintain the project and support the community. Donations provide financial support to keep time & focus on the project to help ongoing progress & development.

Donation methods

Currently, donations can be provided directly to the creator of BookStack in a couple of different ways:

  • GitHub Sponsors - Requires GitHub account.
  • Ko-fi - Supports payment via PayPal or by card (Stripe).

How are donations used?

The majority of donations cover the living costs of the project creator, Dan Brown, to allow them to focus on the project as much as possible. As of October 2021 Dan left his day-job to focus on the project; relying on savings, family-support and donations to cover living costs. Our support plans were also launched to help support finances but, at the time of writing, donations remain as the largest income source.

Some donations are effectively forwarded on to other open source projects, many of which are projects and people that BookStack depends upon itself.

Do I need to donate?

No, donations are not a requirement nor are they expected. The code and platform is provided for free under the MIT license. Donations are an appreciated bonus and can be a straight-forward way to support development of the project, especially for businesses that save money or profit through the use of BookStack.

Do I receive anything for my donation?

Apart from our gratitude, there are no material rewards for donations unless stated within our donation options. For example, some of the monthly sponsor options offer public display of a company’s sponsorship on our website and GitHub repo.

If you could benefit from receiving assured technical support, our support plans offer a way to support the project while gaining such support benefits.

Can I support the project in a non-financial way?

Sure! We have a fairly detailed write-up on our blog regarding all the different ways that you can contribute to the project. Check out the blogpost here.